Program Description: Establishment of Community Based and Owned Tourism Capacities, Facilities and Enterprises which can payback the local communities.
This program seeks to strategically use tourism to address the current development challenges facing the vulnerable and marginalized local communities in the tourist destinations.
The program aims at making tourism destinations in Kenya, better places for the local people to live in and better places for both the local and foreign tourists to visit more often. The program engages and
encourages tour operators, hoteliers, governments, local people and tourists to take responsibility and engage in activities that make tourism more sustainable and beneficial.
How does pro-poor tourism benefit local communities?
The Pro-Poor Tourism Development Program is developed to promote tourism that supports the preservation of the culture and general development of local communities. This is Tourism which is in the best interest of communities and strives for mutual benefit between tourists, investors, drivers and host communities in terms of sustainable tourism.
Tourism which reduces negative impacts on tourism resources, where local communities and tourism players continue experiencing benefits of tourism at present and future generation. Tourism that supports the economic development of local communities through direct and indirect engagement into commercial activities between local communities and tourism sector players. Tourism which engages with communities in voluntary work delivering different services such as: travelers volunteering their skills in hospitals, schools, children homes, elderly homes, community owned conservancies.
This program seeks to strategically use tourism to address the current development challenges facing the vulnerable and marginalized local communities in the tourist destinations.
The program aims at making tourism destinations in Kenya, better places for the local people to live in and better places for both the local and foreign tourists to visit more often. The program engages and
encourages tour operators, hoteliers, governments, local people and tourists to take responsibility and engage in activities that make tourism more sustainable and beneficial.
Program Intervention & Activities :
1. Conducting situation analysis and profiling of community gaps in community based tourism investments.
2. Sensitization of the local community on tourism, and how it can be used as a tool in their social and economic development.
3. Sensitization of the tourism private sector on social responsible tourism for local communities.
4. Sensitization of local communities on the sustainable utilization of natural resources for tourism, to continue benefiting them and future generations.
5. Support local communities on coming up with innovative ideas, on what they can offer the tourism sector-goods and services.
6. Capacity building local communities on production of high quality tourism products-beadwork, belts, bakoras, capes, artworks and other curios.
7. Supporting local communities with the establishment of community owned tourism resource centres with qualified travel guides.
8. Supporting local communities on the establishment of community owned curio shop centres where tourist can buy from them.
9. Development of market linkages for the local agricultural and art products.
10. Partnership with social institutions- hospitals, schools, conservancies, children homes, elderly centres where tourists can work as volunteers.
11. Establishment of links with the tourism private sector-hotels, lodges, camps, conservancies.