Training Stop GBV Champions on Start- Awareness- Support-Act(SASA) GBV Intervention
Training To Stop Gender Based Violence.
Champions on Start- Awareness- Support-Act(SASA) GBV Intervention- 6th to 10th March 2023.
The training was held from 6th to 10th March 2023 at Loitokitok-Kajiado South Sub County.
The project was implemented through Global Fund HIV Grant Prevention Programme through Kenya Red Cross Society in Kajiado South, Central and West Sub Counties of Kajiado County. Stop GBV Champions Training on Start Awareness Support Act(SASA) GBV intervention at Community level.
The training was conducted to improve the capacity of GBV Champions creating awareness on GBV, reducing GBV cases at community level, offering medical and legal support to survivors of GBV and taking necessary actions to reduce the vice. The programme targets to address GBV and enhancing access to legal support on violations of human rights amongst People Living With HIV, Adolescent Girls and Young Women.
30 Stop GBV Champions were trained from the 5 Administrative Wards.