Program Description: Since the inception of the Free Primary Education in 2003, that abolished all primary school fees for public schools in Kenya, after the FPE Act was enacted, there has been an increase in the number of pupils enrolling in public schools. The rise in enrolment has exerted pressure on existing infrastructure and as such there are inadequate classrooms, library rooms, latrines, lighting, water supply and desks. (Republic of Kenya, 2005).
The Millennium Development Goals status report identified 12 challenges facing the education sector in Kenya key among them overcrowding in schools in densely populated areas and inadequate and poor infrastructure including water and sanitation (Republic of Kenya, 20008:13).
This program provides an opportunity for the tourism institutions, tourists visiting Kenya, well-wishers, corporates and the public, to directly and indirectly support development of educational centers/institutions to achieve better standards. This program is aimed at supporting Early Child Development Centers, Primary and Secondary schools in Tourist Destinations/Communities, through enhancement of learning environment to reach better standards. This will enable communities in these areas access to quality education in recommended conducive environments.
Water Accessibility In Schools Program
Water Accessibility Programs in schools. Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking,...