Carbon Footprint Offsetting Initiative seeks to help individuals, families, organizations, corporate companies and industries to understand Climate change, its causes and its Net Effect on living things including human beings and nature. This program enhances appreciation of the carbon footprint by informing individuals, organizations, corporations and families on how to reduce their emissions, and providing them with avenues of offsetting their carbon footprints inform of carbon credits which are used to plant trees that grow bigger and helps in sinking the carbon. Through this program, awareness of the importance of adopting green energy in our social and economic activities is enhanced.
Tourism/Travel, transportation, households, manufacturing, energy generation and agriculture sectors are the major sources of world’s carbon and other greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change.
According to a recent report by The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in Kenya, the carbon emissions released into the atmosphere stood at 19.8 million tons in 2019 with an annual average emission of 3.65%. The analysis report stated that the Projected increase in annual temperatures is 0.8 degrees Celcius and 1.5 degrees Celcius by 2030.
This program provides an opportunity for individuals and institutions to offset their foot print through the purchasing of carbon credits. The purchased credits are used to offset the gases emitted to the atmosphere through planting of indigenous broad leaved trees and adoption of green technologies for production of social and economic services (GREEN ECONOMY).
To support this program, you will be linked to Our Carbon Footprint Offsetting website where you can voluntarily calculate your Annual Carbon Footprint and offset inform of carbon credits. The credits shall be used to implement environmental conservation activities in Kenya.